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Reetha Powder|Soapnut Powder|Aritha Powder – 100 gm

Original price was: 195.00.Current price is: 99.00.

7 in stock



Tamil Name : Boondi Kottai – பூந்தி கொட்டை

Malayalam Name : Uruvanchi (ഉറുവഞ്ചി)

Hindi Name : Ritha / Reetha /Aritha

Telugu Name : Kumkudukaya

Botanical Name : Sapindus mukorossi

Reetha/Aritha/Soapnut is a round wrinkly fruit with a round black hard nut inside. The outer skin is reddish brown in color and is used in the hair care products like shampoos, conditioners etc.
Soapnuts, also known as reetha, soapberries or washing nuts, have been used to make natural hair care products since time immemorial. Reetha is also called as Arishtak in Ayurveda and  is widely grown in tropical countries like India, China and Nepal.

The Reetha plant is rich in saponin, which makes your hair healthy, shiny, and lustrous when used regularly. Reetha makes the scalp feel more moisturized and helps it stay supple. It is a great conditioner that also nourishes the hair to help it grow faster. .Also the saponins in reetha work as insecticides to eliminate lice from your scalp.

How do you use Soapnut Powder?

As a Shampoo for Hair Wash:

Use 1 teaspoon (for short hair and 2 teaspoons for long hair) of SoapNut powder – mix with a little water into a paste and wash hair as normal. The shampoo will not lather as you may be used to. It will definitely clean your hair. SoapNuts Liquid: Use as body wash and hair shampoo just as it is.Soapnuts are also anti-fungal and anti-bacterial, so they’re great if you have dandruff or any kind of scalp issues. They prevent hair loss

As a Bodywash:

You can add Reetha powder to water and boil it till it gets reduced to half and then use it as a body wash as it is good for the skin. Soapnuts have natural conditioning properties that help in moisturizing your skin. Hence, they help prevent dryness of skin. People with sensitive skin can use products that are made from soapnuts since they do not cause any damage

Additional information
Weight 100 g
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